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I would hope that all of you can think of someone who has “Made a Difference” in your life. How would you feel if you couldn’t name someone who has had a positive impact on your life or someone who made a difference in your life?

Dr. Kent Pekel, CEO of the Search Institute did a survey of 43 million school-age children. One of the questions asked if they could name an adult who had made a difference in their life. The results of that question were staggering. Here they are:

  1. 20 million of them said that a family member or relative had positively impacted them.

  2. 16 million of the students in the study could not name an adult who had positively impacted their life.

  3. 7 million said that their mentor in a TeamMates program had positively impacted them.

The result this is staggering as well as frightening is that 16 million, almost 1/3 of those completing the survey could not name an adult that had made a positive impact on their life. If we apply that same percentage to 33 1/3% to the 200 students in the Wilcox-Hildreth School system, that would mean that approximately 65 of our students would say that they have not had an adult positively impact their life. WE CAN AND MUST DO BETTER THAN THAT!!

Become a TeamMates mentor and make a positive difference in the life of one of our students. Mentoring is a powerful and proven way to positively impact the life of a student. Call Donnette Johnson, TeamMates Coordinator at 478-5488 or 308-440–7178 and she will give you the information you will need to become a mentor.

Here are some benefits of mentoring:

  • Mentors help keep kids in school

  • Students who meet regularly with mentors are 52% less likely to skip a day of school

  • Mentors help improve a young person’s self esteem

  • Youth who meet regularly with their mentor are 46% less likely to use illegal drugs and 27% less likely to start drinking

  • About 40% of a teenager’s waking hours are spent without companionship or free time

  • The strongest mentor benefit and most consistent was a reduction in depressive symptoms. Considering the free time and lack of supervision noted above, this reduction in depressive symptoms is critical.

  • On the social and emotional development front, taking part in mentoring promotes positive social attitudes and relationships. Mentored youth tend to trust their parents more and communicated better with them.

Mentors should understand that they are not meant to replace a parent, guardian, or teacher. A mentor is not a disciplinarian or decision maker for a child. A mentor is part of a team of caring adults.

Call Donnette Johnson, TeamMates Coordinator at 478-5488 or 308-440–7178 and she will give you the information you will need to become a mentor. Step up and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!